Two procedures for slimming down a round face
Those of us with round faces know the struggle: making the “duck face” in photos. Trying (unsuccessfully) to master the art of makeup contouring. Performing facial exercises to no avail. Unfortunately, round, chubby, chipmunk-like cheeks are a stubborn problem—one that’s impossible to suck in, cover up, or erase with an Instagram filter. Thankfully, there are minimally-invasive ways to get rid of paunchy, sagging cheeks—give Dr. Madnani a syringe or a scalpel, and he can dramatically re-sculpt and slim your features.
Interested in learning more about how to slim a round face? Read on to discover two of Dr. Madnani’s favorite, minimally-evasive methods.
METHOD #1: Buccal Fat Removal
Feel like your cheeks are too full? Crave sharp, well-defined cheekbones? If you’re nodding your head ‘yes,’ then buccal fat removal might be the perfect fit for you. This minor surgical procedure can help slim round cheeks, giving your face a narrower, more contoured look.
What is buccal fat, anyway?
The hereditary condition of plump cheeks is caused by excess Buccal Fat—the fat pads that sit right below your cheekbones. When these pads are large, they can hide the contours of your upper cheekbone and lower jawbone. You can’t get rid of buccal fat through diet or exercise, either—people with excess buccal fat can have plump, chipmunk-like cheeks, even if they don’t have much fat on the rest of their body.
Is buccal fat removal right for me?
Great question! While it’s difficult to say without a consultation, Buccal fat removal might be a good choice for you if:
- You want your face to look slimmer. If you have round, puffy, or sagging cheeks, buccal fat removal might be a great option for you. Of course, you’ll need to consult with a plastic surgeon to ensure that your cheek size is actually due to buccal pads, and not fat deposits or an over-developed muscle in your jaw (the masseter muscle).
- You’re at your goal weight.Buccal fatpads aren’t the only things that cause chubby cheeks—weight gain can also result in unwanted roundness. Because of this, buccal fat removal is especially helpful to those who have already lost a significant amount of weight but see no changes in the face.
If you plan to lose weight, you’ll want to make sure your cheek fullness is due to buccal fat pads—meaning, it’s a hereditary issue. Why? If you have buccal fat removed and then lose weight, your face might look thinner than you’d like.
What happens during a buccal fat removal procedure?
Buccal Fat removal is a minor surgical procedure. Dr. Madnani performs it under local anesthesia, so you can head home directly after.
Here’s how it works: First, Dr. Madnani places some local anestheisa around your mouth- similar to what a dentis does. Then hemakes incisions on the inside of your cheeks. He then, gently “teases out” all or some of the fat pad, depending on your desired look. In most cases, this outpatient surgery takes less than an hour!
What about the recovery?
Luckily, recovery time for buccal fat removal is minimal. After the procedure, you should plan to spend at least 48 hours recuperating at home.
To help alleviate swelling, you’ll need to regularly apply ice packs to your cheeks and keep your head elevated at all times. For the first few days after your surgery, you should try to sleep upright. (You can prop yourself up in bed with pillows, or sleep in a recliner.)
Another important thing to note: Dr. Madnani uses intraoral incisions, meaning your stitches will be on the inside of your mouth. Because of this, you’ll need to eat a soft or liquid diet for three to four days following your procedure.
When can I go back to work?
In most cases, patients can return to work three to four days after their procedure.
However, you will experience noticeable swelling for about seven to ten days after surgery. If this concerns you, you might want to stay home until it subsides.
Will I have noticeable scarring?
Nope! Because Dr. Madnani uses only intraoral incisions (inside your mouth),you won’t have any visible scars.
When will I see results from buccal fat removal?
You can expect swelling, bruising and discomfort immediately following surgery. For the first two or three days after your procedure, your cheeks will appear puffy and noticeably swollen—but by day seven, the swelling will start to fade. Within ten days, your new and improved cheeks will begin to reveal themselves.
Note: It takes time for your skin to fully heal and settle into the hollowed-out space caused by buccal fat removal. Because of this, it can take up to three months to see your final results. (However, you should have a pretty good idea of how your cheeks will look by the end of the first month.)
How long will my buccal fat removal results last?
Buccal Fat removal offers beautifully long-lasting results. However, if you experience significant weight gain, it is possible for your cheeks to regain some plumpness.
Are there any risks?
When performed by a well-trained surgeon like Dr. Madnani, buccal fat removal is a safe and straight forwardprocedure.
However, all surgery carries risks. While rare, side effects may include numbness or other changes in sensation, prolonged swelling, injury to the salivary duct, asymmetry, and temporary or permanent facial muscle weakness.
Want to learn more about buccal fat removal? Contact Dr. Madnani for a consultation at (332) 216-0176.
Using fillers to make your face look slimmer may seem counterintuitive, but it’s actually a wonderful non-surgical solution to sculpting the face back to its youthful shape.
Dr Madnani likes to place fillers in areas of the cheeks where contouring with make up is performed. He prefers to use either Restylane Lyft or Voluma to augment and liftsagging. These fillers are specifically designed to restorevolume for a more youthful facial profile and often used in conjunction with Botox injections to rejuvenate the entire face.
How does it work?
As you age, your cheeks start to deflate and sag—strategically-placed dermal filler injections like Voluma or restylane lyft can correct age-related volume loss, providing you with both contour and lift. What’s more, volumizing the midface creates a more youthful facial shape, making your features appear angular rather than saggy and rounded.
Using Botox in tandem with fillers can be extremely beneficial as well. Botox relaxes the muscle contractions that cause fine lines, while fillers plump up the folds and hollows, providing a lifting effect. Using the two in conjunction is a highly effective way to smooth, lift, and rejuvenate the entire face.
Are fillers + botox/dysportright for me?
Maybe you were born with defined cheekbones, but have recently noticed sagging. Or maybe you want to get the cheekbones and definition you’ve always dreamed of, but never had. In either case, fillers like Voluma or restylane lyftcan be a great solution for you.
Voluma/Restylane lyftis affordable and non-invasive for both men and women alike, and can help a wide range of clients achieve youthful midface volume. It is primarily designed to treat the following areas:
- Apple of the cheeks
- Upper cheek around the cheekbone
- Cheek hollow below the cheekbone
Additionally, if you’re experiencing some sagging but aren’t ready to commit to surgery, fillers like Voluma/Restylane lyftare the perfect option for you. The lift can besubtle fairly subtle, but the end result can be life-changing.
What happens during filler and botox procedures? Will they hurt?
Typically, it takes 15-30 minutes to administer the fillers. Pain is minimal—because the injections contain lidocaine and are administered using a very fine needle, discomfort is kept to an absolute minimum. Other adjunctive measures such as ice packa and a gold beauty wand are used to further improve comfort for the procedures.
Similarly to facial fillers, Botox ordysportis administered using very fine needles. The area is numbed with topical ice packs combined with a gentle touch, the treatment results in little or no discomfort for the patient.
With both fillers,results can be seen immediately. Even better? Patients are able to return to regular activities as soon as the procedure is over, with zero downtime. Wrinkle reducers like botox or dysport, take a few days to start seeing some results and full results are seen in 10-14 days.
What about the recovery?
As previously mentioned, you can resume most activities right away after receiving fillers. However, to minimize swelling and bruising, we recommended avoiding strenuous physical activity for the first 24-48 hours after your procedure.
There is no downtime after Botox/dysport injections, either—patients may return to work and regular activities right away.
When will I see results?
Results from Voluma/restylane lyftcan be seen right away, although full results may not be apparent for a week or two. Your skin may appear softer, with a more rounded, youthful appearance.
With both fillers,results can be seen immediately. Even better? Patients are able to return to regular activities as soon as the procedure is over, with zero downtime. Wrinkle reducers like botox or dysport, take a few days to start seeing some results and full results are seen in 10-14 days.
Will there be any side effects?
After receiving injectables, usually there are no side effects. Patients leave the office with minor redness which dissipates over the next hour. It’s not uncommon for patients to experience minor soreness, swelling or minor bruising (rarely) in the area around the injection sites. Use an ice pack or cold compress to help alleviate these symptoms
How long do the results last?
Voluma/restylane lyft is one of the longest-lasting fillers, with results extending up to two years for some patients depending on the number of syringes used.
Botox in the cheeks will generally last for four to six monthsin most patients.
To learn more about Voluma, restylany lyft, Botox, dysport, or other options in soft tissue filler treatments, contact Dr. Madnani at (332) 216-0176.
*Individual results may vary. **All photos are real patient images and not altered in any way.
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