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Surgical Procedures

A lip lift is a surgical procedure that shortens the length of the upper lip to the nasal base providing a lift as well as giving the appearance of a fuller upper lip. At rest with the lips slightly apart, we should show about 2 millimeters of our teeth and at full smile, the lower border of the upper lip should be at the gum line. The ‘normal’ length of the upper lip is anywhere from 12-16mm. I prefer to measure both by using the traditional accepted aesthetic measure as well as based on the relative show of the teeth.

The procedure takes about one hour and is performed under local anesthesia. Recovery is about 5-7 days with sutures being removed at 7 days and some mild swelling the first 2-3 days. Pain is minimal and well controlled with pain medication and antibiotics are prescribed to take for 5-7 days.

Downtime: 7-10 days


“Now, it’s been 2 months, and I LOVE my results. Nobody has noticed I’ve had anything done. Instead, people who’ve known me for years comment on “I never realized you have such a newscaster smile!” Needless to say, my goal has been achieved.”


  • No need to go to the hospital for surgery
  • Lip lifts under local anesthesia require less downtime and quicker recovery than lip lifts performed under general anesthesia
  • Increases both the volume of the upper lip and create a better aesthetic proportion with the lower lip.
  • A lip lift may reveal a hint of your top teeth
  • A corner lip lift corrects a constant frowning appearance


  • Lip lifts are performed in our state of the art, AAAASF Certified operating rooms in both Manhattan and Long Island offices.
  • You have the option of having you lip lift done under local anesthesia with or without IV sedation.
  • Amount of skin removed is customized to be proportioned with each individuals features
  • During a lip lift, incisions are made at the base of the nose below the nostrils
  • Corner lip lifts are for people that have a sad look because the outer corners of their lips turn down.


  • No need to go to the hospital for surgery
  • Lip lifts under local anesthesia require less downtime and quicker recovery than lip lifts performed under general anesthesia
  • Increases both the volume of the upper lip and create a better aesthetic proportion with the lower lip.
  • A lip lift may reveal a hint of your top teeth
  • A corner lip lift corrects a constant frowning appearance


  • Lip lifts are performed in our state of the art, AAAASF Certified operating rooms in both Manhattan and Long Island offices.
  • You have the option of having you lip lift done under local anesthesia with or without IV sedation.
  • Amount of skin removed is customized to be proportioned with each individuals features
  • During a lip lift, incisions are made at the base of the nose below the nostrils
  • Corner lip lifts are for people that have a sad look because the outer corners of their lips turn down.
RealSelf Patient Reviews of Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS
Disclaimer: Reviews shown here are curated from RealSelf. Results and patient experience may vary.
  • Madnani Facial Plastics is your premier center for surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. Led by board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Dilip Madnani, the medical professionals at Madnani Facial Plastics are proud to offer cutting-edge cosmetic treatments to men and women in Manhattan, Long Island and the neighboring communities in New York.

Our Consultation Process

  • Step 1: Book Your Appointment

    When you reach out to us through phone, email or web consultation form, our office staff will call you to book an appointment.

  • Step 2: Pay for your consultation

    A fee is charged for the consultation which may be adjusted towards any surgical or non-surgical procedure.

  • Step 3: Appointment Day

    Please follow pre-prepratory guidelines for the procedure.  Our doctors & staff are highly trained to provide you the best service.

Book an Appointment

    Other Services

    Other procedures will increase surgical time and recovery.
    Results vary between patients, based on health, skin quality and other genetic factors.
    Risks associated with all surgical procedures.
    Recovery times will vary.
    Can be performed with IV sedation/twilight propofol anesthesia if requested.
    To learn more about this surgical procedure, contact our office at (332) 216-0176